Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Feeling old :)

So it has been a little while since I posted last. Things are getting better on that end but it is going to take a while.

This last weekend we celebrated my twin nieces birthday! I realized that I am starting to feel old. I know, I know I am only 24 but still some things really make you feel your age.
I was a senior in high school when my nieces were born. I still remember that day, I was in seminary and Brother Bebe passed me a note and just stood there smiling, it was from my mom and she had called to tell me the babies were here and that they were doing well. I was so excited but they were a month early so I was a little nervous. I remember going to see them in the hospital and they were sooo tiny. Lizzy was only about 3 lbs and Alex was about 4 lbs, I think that's right.
They are now 7 years old! They just started first grade, and I can't believe it. They aren't even my kids but time flew by so fast and I just can't seem to figure out where it went. Pictures are to follow from this birthday and a few from their other birthdays.

Birthday #3 Birthday #3
This was at their 3rd birthday

I went to the grocery store a few months ago and has an experience there that really made me feel old. The bagger was talking about a concert she was going to that weekend and was talking about how cute the lead singer was and the checker, who was probably a little older than me, mentioned how she always thought Jon Bon Jovi was so cute.Photobucket Well the bagger just gave her a blank stare and asked who that was? Seriously the checker and I just looked at each other like "you don't know how Bon Jovi is?" I could feel my age that time. :(
I have learned that you should not start reminiscing about your childhood and shows you watch or bands you liked when there are younger people around. (pictures are included for those who don't know what I am talking about)I have brought up Punkie Brewster, Color Me Badd, New Kids on the Block....hang tough! Just little things that I assumed those people I was talking to knew what or who those things were. Boy that just aged me again hahaha!
Color Me Badd Punkie New Kids on the Block

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